Preparation Prompt: Considering our journey thus far, how can we fortify our connection with the illuminating force? How do we amplify its transformative influence?

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  • #41570

    Preparation Prompt: Considering our journey thus far, how can we fortify our connection with the illuminating force? How do we amplify its transformative influence?

Viewing 6 posts - 313 through 318 (of 334 total)
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    • #59621

      We can strengthen the influence of the reforming light by

      1) intention;

      2) exercising our free choice in establishing an environment with a guide, authentic teaching, and a group;

      3) learning to direct our efforts to love and bestow firstly through the spiritually supportive environment that we’re all parts of.

    • #59620

      We can strengthen the influence of the reforming light by

      1) intention;

      2) exercising our free choice in establishing an environment with a guide, authentic teaching, and a group;

      3) learning to direct our efforts to love and bestow firstly through the spiritually supportive environment that we’re all parts of.

    • #59597
      Candace Joy

      Through having the right intention & studying in a group!

    • #59251

      We can strengthen the influence of the reforming light by studying and connecting with other students in the group.

    • #59232

      We can strengthen the influence of the reforming light by choosing the right environment. This will increase the spiritual evolution.

    • #59122

      We have to identify the ego in ourselves, while not trying to erase it, learn from it, and use it as a form of correction to form bestowal.

Viewing 6 posts - 313 through 318 (of 334 total)
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