Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 5 Discuss Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

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    • #53438
      tefo bogosi

      By desiring to be like the upper force and acting on such a desire through placing yourself in an enabling environment that will assist you to realising the desire.

    • #53435

      Through our study, through our connections here, through asking the Creator for help to increase our intention to bestow,  through wondering and imagining what it must be to be the Creator and contrasting that with the emptiness we feel as the will to receive for myself.

    • #53430

      Through the Law of Equivalence of Form we can synchronise our intentions at the same frequency as the Creator’s thought, the will to bestow, then to get in touch with the Upper Force.

    • #53415

      Everybody has said altruism nd bestow so I will say vibrating at the same frequency as the upper forces ie Equivalence of Form.

    • #53396

      By developing altruism, the desire to bestow, and the desire to be in contact with the Creator. We have to be prepared for this in our body, our soul, to be at least 1% on the proper “frequency”.

    • #53368

      I believe that action is stirred up by understanding and comprehension. When I know why I must get in touch, I’ll do whatever it takes to connect. Getting in touch with the upper force is submission to ITS will, commands and know that all IT desires for me is Good. This understanding I believe creates a mutual action. That is, I act not because of selfishness but instead because whatever I do, I do for my own benefit. Just like a seed trusting the farmer that it’s going to bear fruits even though its being buried in the ground. So, Trust, Patience and Understanding is all that’s needed. The final product will be love because having known that all the upper force want is for my greater good, I’ll have no choice but to love all that comes from IT.

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