Preparation Prompt: Envision a world where individuals are interconnected through the spiritual principle of love. How would societal dilemmas be approached differently in such a paradigm?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 5 Discuss Preparation Prompt: Envision a world where individuals are interconnected through the spiritual principle of love. How would societal dilemmas be approached differently in such a paradigm?

  • #57434

    Preparation Prompt: Envision a world where individuals are interconnected through the spiritual principle of love. How would societal dilemmas be approached differently in such a paradigm?

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    • #361134

      Both the physical world and the spiritual worlds are already inside me; I just can’t sense the spiritual until I change something in my perception … my ability to develop a desire/intention to behave like the Creator … an intention to bestow what I receive from Him back to Him alone (Lishma). However this is impossible for me to do alone since I’m stuck in my desire to receive for myself alone. The group of friends provides the power/strength for me to receive such an intention in unison with the total group as each of us forgets him/herself and focuses on the collective desire to bestow to each other. This connection in a common altruistic goal creates a place for the Creator/Light to be revealed in our midst through our equivalence of (altruistic) form. Thus we all begin to perceive the new larger reality where the physical and spiritual coexist. Since we’re initially grounded in the physical this is the equivalent of transforming the physical to the spiritual. The Creator makes all of this possible by attracting us to the Group, helping us to collectively rise above our egoistic natures to bestow to each other, and providing Himself/the Light to open our 6th sense to the spiritual reality that has always been there, but hidden from us.




    • #361010
      maria santos

      The Creator is the only one who can do anything, we have a choice to put ourselves in an environment that helps us simulate the spiritual until the Creator lifts us to that state. If we stay in an environment of corporeal desires, then that is what we will long for if we put ourselves in an environment of desiring spirituality, adhesion with the Creator, than we will attract the light and Masch and together we will be raised, and help one another to deal with the descents and ascents. The Creator is the converter.

    • #360850

      By forming a group, the right environment. The connection between us.

    • #360757

      Through connection to the creator

    • #359828
      Steve Miley

      It’s the group environment, so I’m told I can’t do any work on my own soul at all. It Hass to be done by others, corporal actions that will then turn into spiritual ones. Oh, and likewise, my corporeal actions on other members in the group, vice versa

    • #359706
      Esther Benzaquen

      The “converter” is the connection with other human beings. For this connection, it is necessary to be in an adequate group. In a group like this, we can form a big vesel to receive the light and our physical world becomes spiritual

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