Preparation Question: Imagine if people were connected according to the spiritual law of love. How would these many issues be approached differently?

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  • #41583

    Preparation Question: Imagine if people were connected according to the spiritual law of love. How would these many issues be approached differently?

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    • #59091

      Spiritual law of love in the world of corporeality is an oxymoron, for corporeality is not spiritual. There will always be an evil inclination and there will always be the good inclination, both of which are the Creator. In the concepts of worlds, the spiritual law of love will increase by our intentions through our connected stream of consciousness bringing love and joy into each other’s spirit with the guiding principles of our teachers, books and prayer. This is our spiritual elevation. Through this, our society will heal with our PIH, together, whether we see it or not.

    • #58987

      Then there would be no issues 🙂

    • #58970

      We are facing spiritual problems that we can not resolve in the material level because we are connected by egoist desires. If people were connected according to the spiritual law of love we would achieve balance in every degree (still, vegetative, animal and human being) and these many issues would not exist anymore after we have reached the unique soul and the state of harmony between all levels.


    • #58872

      All issues would be resolved because everyone would want what is best for everyone else. If we all helped one another there would be no need for things such as money and power that seem to be a cause of many of the problems that keep this planet from becoming what it really should be.

    • #58795

      “Problems never seem to find lasting solutions”, because each of us is evolving towards equivalence of form with the Creator, whether one consciously realizes it or not. As one evolves, our awareness and perspectives change. The only “lasting solution” is equivalence of form with the Creator.

    • #58793
      Joanne Kabu-W10

      Connection with the spiritual law of love would mean we would listen to one another. We would try to understand without judgment and make any adjustments necessary to accommodate all. There would be no needs without solutions. We would be in a world that reached equivalence of form!

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