Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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  • #28799

    Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

Viewing 6 posts - 907 through 912 (of 950 total)
  • Author
    • #52963
      Elloise Van Rooyen

      I have learnt that there are forces at work which I cannot perceive with the naked eye or any of my other senses. I feel something greater than myself, yet I feel like I am part of it in some way which I know from what I learnt in these lessons so far, I have not experienced the ‘moment’ of truth as yet, but the more that I learn, the more I want to learn, I am eager for change within myself, I am eager to let go of egoism. I have been asking the question, “Why are we here, why I am here?” for decades, with no conclusive answer until now. I can’t wait to learn more. Thank you for sharing this knowledge with us.

    • #52956

      I could understand better now that most of the problems are because of our egoistic nature. Now I try to transcend by the help of God. And now I could identify that each person in my life is allowed by God to correct me.

    • #52937

      There was always a lot of philosophy centered on Will in my experience. It was not difficult to find human behavior that didn’t fit the “Will to Power” and all the rest. The Will to Receive is not so easy to refute. I can see it, feel it in myself and see it all around me. The Will to Bestow is still theoretical for me. Intellectually, I can accept it as a working hypothesis. But I haven’t realized it, it isn’t fully real to me in the way that the Will to Receive is real and happening in me right now.

    • #52932
      Joanne Kabu-W10

      I have a better understand that reading and studying the Kabalistic texts will bring more Light.  Helping me correct my intentions allowing even more Light to influence the spark in my heart. Looking forward to my studies.

    • #52930

      The more I start understanding my life, the greater my life is.

    • #52923
      Nancy Arnold

      I still haven’t found what I’m looking for. I was raised Catholic and have searched through every religion from Christianity to Judaism to Islam to Hinduism. I never felt like I belonged anywhere. When I started studying kabbalah, it made a lot of sense to me and I hope to gain a deeper understanding of myself and the forces working in the world. But right now, I am just a beginner seeking G-d.

Viewing 6 posts - 907 through 912 (of 950 total)
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