Preparation Prompt: In Kabbalah, our primary task is to draw the reforming light, which supplies all we require for spiritual progress. Moreover, it’s said that aiding others accelerates our own spiritual ascent. How does this dynamic operate? What does supporting fellow seekers with a spiritual inclination entail?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 4 Discuss Preparation Prompt: In Kabbalah, our primary task is to draw the reforming light, which supplies all we require for spiritual progress. Moreover, it’s said that aiding others accelerates our own spiritual ascent. How does this dynamic operate? What does supporting fellow seekers with a spiritual inclination entail?

  • #57425

    Preparation Prompt: In Kabbalah, our primary task is to draw the reforming light, which supplies all we require for spiritual progress. Moreover, it’s said that aiding others accelerates our own spiritual ascent. How does this dynamic operate? What does supporting fellow seekers with a spiritual inclination entail?

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    • #359930


    • #359743
      Steve Miley

      it would be nice if it was as if we were emmurmerstion f sparrows or the like Perhaps we might be as the crowd that undulates and creates the music on the stage.

    • #357025
      Esther Benzaquen

      I don’t know. I’m not in the habit of going to big meetings. But in the video, everyone seems happy and connected. So, it would be good.

    • #339219

      It wouldn’t be great to take part in it

    • #339210
      Varda kahalany

      I don’t know…. I was in a Kabbalah gathering of ‘the machon le limudey Kabbalah’ In Tel Aviv,  a long, long time ago (more then 20 years), and when I reflect on it I was very disappointed. I guess that it can’t be compared to these days way of  Kabbalah gathering and learning and I guess that I would just have to find it out by attending one.

    • #338929

      I would feel like my soul is finally home.

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