Preparation Question: Congratulations on progressing through the intermediary stages of your Kabbalah learning by staring this new course! Since the wisdom of Kabbalah deals with developing our precious eternal part—the soul—it is important to take a moment to note your expectations from this stage of your journey, and later check back and see what aligned with or differed from your expectations, and how you might’ve changed in the process: What do you hope to get out of this course you’re now starting?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah in Action Week 1 Discuss Preparation Question: Congratulations on progressing through the intermediary stages of your Kabbalah learning by staring this new course! Since the wisdom of Kabbalah deals with developing our precious eternal part—the soul—it is important to take a moment to note your expectations from this stage of your journey, and later check back and see what aligned with or differed from your expectations, and how you might’ve changed in the process: What do you hope to get out of this course you’re now starting?

  • #41558

    Preparation Question: Congratulations on progressing through the intermediary stages of your Kabbalah learning by staring this new course! Since the wisdom of Kabbalah deals with developing our precious eternal part—the soul—it is important to take a moment to note your expectations from this stage of your journey, and later check back and see what aligned with or differed from your expectations, and how you might’ve changed in the process: What do you hope to get out of this course you’re now starting?

Viewing 6 posts - 397 through 402 (of 444 total)
  • Author
    • #190577

      Looking forward to practicing more kabbalah

    • #188384
      Ali Nadalipour

      Am ready to practically use kabbalah and feel the light.wanna sense something practically above theory.

    • #186130

      I want practical steps to connect to others, to the Creator , the Light.

    • #185574

      I am so full of light entering here


    • #185171
      Arabela Dias

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>I desire to expand my desire, my vessel, to contain more Light.</p>

    • #185115

      I want it to attract more surrounding light and bring us closer together.

Viewing 6 posts - 397 through 402 (of 444 total)
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