Preparation Question: Congratulations on progressing through the intermediary stages of your Kabbalah learning by staring this new course! Since the wisdom of Kabbalah deals with developing our precious eternal part—the soul—it is important to take a moment to note your expectations from this stage of your journey, and later check back and see what aligned with or differed from your expectations, and how you might’ve changed in the process: What do you hope to get out of this course you’re now starting?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah in Action Week 1 Discuss Preparation Question: Congratulations on progressing through the intermediary stages of your Kabbalah learning by staring this new course! Since the wisdom of Kabbalah deals with developing our precious eternal part—the soul—it is important to take a moment to note your expectations from this stage of your journey, and later check back and see what aligned with or differed from your expectations, and how you might’ve changed in the process: What do you hope to get out of this course you’re now starting?

  • #41558

    Preparation Question: Congratulations on progressing through the intermediary stages of your Kabbalah learning by staring this new course! Since the wisdom of Kabbalah deals with developing our precious eternal part—the soul—it is important to take a moment to note your expectations from this stage of your journey, and later check back and see what aligned with or differed from your expectations, and how you might’ve changed in the process: What do you hope to get out of this course you’re now starting?

Viewing 6 posts - 421 through 426 (of 443 total)
  • Author
    • #59233

      My expectations are learn to improve the experience connection.

    • #58940
      Candace Joy

      To learn how to cleave to the Creator.

    • #58593

      week 1 expectations: to know the light. to be drawn into the knowing. a personal and real connection to the Creator.

    • #58518

      We want the Light to influence and evolve us to rise above our egoistic nature and learn how to connect with others for the sake of bestowal.

    • #58385

      Our expectations are to learn how to apply Kabbalah practically.

    • #58177

      To learn how to properly ask for Creator to correct connection with others.

Viewing 6 posts - 421 through 426 (of 443 total)
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