Preparation Question: The importance of clearly defining the goal in the study of Kabbalah is the beginning of the path. Once the goal is defined, you will continue to refine it to keep yourself perfectly aimed at the target. How would you currently define the goal for which you are studying?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Week 3 Discuss Preparation Question: The importance of clearly defining the goal in the study of Kabbalah is the beginning of the path. Once the goal is defined, you will continue to refine it to keep yourself perfectly aimed at the target. How would you currently define the goal for which you are studying?

  • #37695

    Preparation Question: The importance of clearly defining the goal in the study of Kabbalah is the beginning of the path. Once the goal is defined, you will continue to refine it to keep yourself perfectly aimed at the target. How would you currently define the goal for which you are studying?

Viewing 6 posts - 355 through 360 (of 381 total)
  • Author
    • #59815
      Ed Mereoară

      I think my studying goal is in building a vessel to receive Upper Light.

    • #59737
      Ed Mereoară

      The collective soul.

    • #59644
      Bonnie A. Bus

      I wonder how I’m getting at the attitude  the will to bestow, without coercion.

    • #59372

      I want to know and connect with the creator, that way, i will know myself.

    • #59199
      Rune T. A.

      Well. I have never been able to supress my curiousity on “what is the meaning of all this”? Who am I? How can it be that I am here, able to observe my own thoughts and feelings, that I dream at night, how come it can feel like that my “self” sometimes dissapear when I am “submerged” in playing my guitar or my drumkit, or starreing at a flower. If it is all just for nothing, then I have no buisness being here! The most frustrating period of my life was when I gave up on finding any answers or meaning to life. I want to understand creation and the creator.

      I am here to see how deep the rabithole goes and how far I personally can take this wisdom. I am sure that I understand what creation is all about, but I want to attain the feeling of what´s surrounding me. I need to find way to be at peace with my own existence and all the suffering in this world. And I need people and teachers and texts to help me correct all my prejudice, evil inclinations (I sometimes want to hurt our leaders and rich folk and careless people) and all my wrong spiritual asumptions and teachings.

      I could go on about the stuff I want to understand but to make it short – I want to understand EVERYTHING possible. – My self, humans, nature and the workings of the universe…

      Thank you for helping me in this regard!!

    • #58104


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