Preparation Question: This time, instead of answering a question, write a message to your fellow students: What do you wish for them? How can we rebuild that collective soul and become a vessel for the light?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 4 Discuss Preparation Question: This time, instead of answering a question, write a message to your fellow students: What do you wish for them? How can we rebuild that collective soul and become a vessel for the light?

  • #28805

    Preparation Question: This time, instead of answering a question, write a message to your fellow students: What do you wish for them? How can we rebuild that collective soul and become a vessel for the light?

Viewing 6 posts - 763 through 768 (of 787 total)
  • Author
    • #53227
      Danielle Vergonet

      I wish you all understanding of what we learn and feel connection between us.

    • #53221

      I wish we all be able to reduce our egoistic desire and have a prayer to Creator for Light to remove our egoistic barriers and unite our points in heart in order to connect us as one soul.

    • #53218

      I wish for my fellow students to unite the distinct source of pure energy to connect with the upper forces of creator n create the vessel full of powerful determination to evolve

    • #53160
      Mira Brooks

      I wish that we can stand in love, wisdom, and freedom close to the creator, understanding that we are one… that the more that we are united, the more we can accomplish. I wish that we act in altruism, instead of ego, which is currently manifesting terrible symptoms in our world today. The closer we come to healing spiritually, we can help resolve some of causes of what manifests, and move towards a better future.

    • #53159
      Debra Henry

      I wish that we all become one man and one heart, so love will prevail.

    • #53157
      Candace Joy

      May we all rise to the level of mutual bestowal.

Viewing 6 posts - 763 through 768 (of 787 total)
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