Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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  • This topic has 1,378 replies, 1,243 voices, and was last updated 19 minutes ago by Len.
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    • #311967

      To the degree of finding truth about ourselves and what is governing everything. And also helping ourselves and other people in the world.

    • #311963

      I would like to perceive a reality in which I was more in control, rather than just reacting to things that seem to just keep happening to me. Although I am now 77, and have a handful of health problems that leave me in pain and not being able to enjoy the things I used to do, I still would like to be healed and find myself in a body enjoying life again. But if I know I have made some steps to return a few steps up that ladder, I will consider this a positive lifetime, and I hope I will be able to carry some of the lessons learned here forward into whatever “life” I may find myself attached to.

    • #311958

      _ To acquire the attributes of the Creator. The attributes of Love and Bestowal.

      _ To acquire the right Intention (the six senses)

    • #311923
      Sorin Prodan

      TO   ” Nosce te Ipsum” – “Know Thyself”

      Be open to change

      Acknowledge and examine your fears – rejection, failure, success and change – often dictate your actions and your actions influence everyone with whom you come in contact

      Examine your core values. Knowing what you believe and what you stand for

      Learn from your past

      Listen to and gain perspective

    • #311919

      Closer to the Creator

    • #311892
      Sharon Aloni

      To become happy.  Very simply.

Viewing 6 posts - 733 through 738 (of 1,357 total)
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