Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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    • #294403

      The perception of reality beyond the body and the five senses, i want the study of Kabbalah to lead me to the perception of the Creator and to study Kabbalah with friends.

    • #294375

      I would think as an awakened race we would study the Kabbalah so that we can find peace within ourselves and our world.  To have real knowing that we are connected not only to each other but to the Creator of All Things.  And with this knowing, wars would end, hunger and poverty would cease to exist, and our ego mind would be no more.

    • #294155

      The perception of reality

    • #294110

      To see whole of reality outside the box of our current filtered perception.

    • #294016

      The reality that has always been there long before us and will be there after we are long gone.

      The one and only reality that can make us connected to our Creator regardless of what happens in the 3D.

    • #293897
      Abe Tapia

      My perception of reality is that kabbalah can lead me to equivalence with the creator.

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