Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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    • #51987
      Dr Dan

      Not to an actual version of reality we perceive daily, but an alternate version of it that we can’t really think of because it is outside the realm of our beliefs, experiences, and all of that comes with living our lives


    • #51985
      Sung Woo

      As it exists

    • #51981
      Logan Scott

      I want the study of Kabbalah, to lead me to the perception(s) of reality that are beyond my physical, five senses.

    • #51980

      to be able to perceive the integral structure of nature. If one could discern the integrated connection in nature and the benefits of existing in this state, one would find it desirable to live in this connected state, and this new desire would allow him to rise above his current will to receive pleasure.

    • #51977
      Candace Joy

      Lead me to Truth!

    • #51975

      Now in our current perceptiom of reality we have borders and with borders we can have experience. If our spiritual goal is to remove these borders and merge togather with Creator which is Everything than we wont have borders as Creator doesnt have borders. If we wont have borders than how will we have experience? Because everything will already be done always. So that would make us still with no option on experience. That is question I want to understand how would this work.

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