Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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    • #376097

      To full perception, perhaps…

      the way the creator sees it.

    • #376093
      Bob Richardson

      Beyond what can be understood by our minds.

    • #376019

      A perception beyond what our linear minds can understand.

      Beyond what the physical body can comprehend.

    • #375986
      Deborah Joplin

      To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

      Einstein is reported to have said that the physical body and the limitations of its senses gives us the illusion or delusion that we are all separate — when in fact we are all connected — part of the wholeness of the energy field. I am drawn to this idea of oneness with the Creator and the Created that is beyond the limitation of human perception. I want to gain the eyes to see, ears to hear, and the heart to understand and obtain the perception of the Oneness — to abide in the Oneness and the Oneness abides in me. My desire is to perceive the spiritual reality that is beyond the endless pursuits of this life, none of which truly fulfill my desire. I want to experience the loving altruism of the Creator and be transformed into what I am truly meant to be, to know and understand what I am meant to know and understand. Many hints have led me here over the course of my 62 trips around the sun. I want to do only the will of the Creator now, to think and to act in accordance with the Creator’s purpose. I want to reflect my Creator’s intention and likeness in this world and to help others find the way home on this journey we call life.

    • #375663
      Poetry Master

      The complete union with reality in its fundamental essence.

    • #375651
      Jindrich Mokros

      The reality above the shield/screen. The true picture of life. The true reality

Viewing 6 posts - 277 through 282 (of 1,361 total)
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