Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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  • This topic has 1,378 replies, 1,243 voices, and was last updated 12 minutes ago by Len.
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    • #327499

      To discover what our true unlimited reality is beyond our limited 5 senses

    • #327449

      the truth

    • #327441

      I guess it’s like Fear, false evidence appearing real. I’ve learned that much of our perception comes from our early years of learning safe and unsafe. But I’m not sure how we would know different in Kabbalah, unless it’s through, again, learning something. 🤔💖✡️

    • #327405

      I want to be able to create my own reality. Quantum physics says we can. And what is reality anyway?  Is it manifestations of our own thoughts and intentions?  If so, I want to learn to control both so that “my reality” is beautiful and full of love and happiness.

      • #327415

        Exactly! It all sounds like Quantum Entanglement to me an I love the science behind Kabbalah. I want to be a part of something Universal and have the feeling of connection to everyone and everything.

    • #327401

      To be able to answer the questions of who and what not for self gain only, although who is going to reject the chance of more constant pleasure and fulfilment? The important idea and purpose for me is to be a conduit through which “this wisdom” might flow so that others can also experience purpose and fulfilment. Surely there has never been a time when this is needed like today.

    • #327181

      I learn from Kabbalah how to unite with the Creator, how to overcome selfishness and transform it into altruism, and it also teaches us that our union with all human beings is the demands of the Creator.💙

Viewing 6 posts - 565 through 570 (of 1,357 total)
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