Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

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  • #37682

    Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

Viewing 6 posts - 415 through 420 (of 453 total)
  • Author
    • #127028

      by carefully observing the situations that meet us during the day

    • #63081
      chris patton

      It simply take faith and trust above all reasoning

    • #61079

      I see it as a whole existence, externally. we proceed from him, and are part of his thought, but also, internally, he is part of us, taking us up the ladder back to him. It is like a a dialectic progression from  thought and existence in creation,

    • #60633
      Ali Nadalipour

      Trying to completely forget myself as a separated part of the creator.if nothing is beside him i included too.i should be quality of bestow at least.

    • #60439

      i almost always feel this way, that my reality has a intangible force to it. it is more a matter of how i interpret my feelings, wether i surrender my ego to nature or fight against it. there is always a spectrum of how much i embrace nature. i tend to feel most with friends, where any other reality besides the present moment fades while i’m in a constant state of aligning with bestowal

    • #60218
      Elizabeth Is

      I’m beginning to get the concept of only one and look for the impact on my reality and then I ask the why? Why would the creator give this to me? I now see hints of bestowal and connection to humanity.

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