Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 1 Discuss Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #328127

      To understand our true purpose and the means to live up to it. To live in perpetual, conscious connection with Source.

    • #328030

      I want to know more about Kabbalah. What its priciples are and how it works out in life and how can I apply it in my life. To understand reality better, to be more connected to other people. Fnd out the purpose of all life and the my purpose in life.

    • #328029
      giovanni moncada

      I would like to achieve a better understanding of the creator, of life, and have the tools to enjoy it as I grow spiritually.

    • #327966

      I want to understand how there is a cause of everything, get a clearer understanding of what some people call God, and learn to accept the outcome. And to be free from the victim mentality and find a purpose in life.

    • #327955

      Gain a better understanding of creation

    • #327854

      I’d like to link back up with the Roots and Source of the Spirit World, to realize that we are not victims helplessly tossed about and subject to the whims of others or a myriad of unseen, unknowable forces. We have all been called and we have all chosen to walk this particular path together, whether we remember it or not.

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