Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #327240
      George Beridze

      I desire to learn what is the mesmerizing structure sephira and what they mean, is there a way they can be misaligned and is there a way to align them? I also want to learn wisdom of kabbalah to pronounce meaning in my life

    • #327239

      I really do not “expect” anything. I am here to learn about: the reality in which I am meant to be an active participant, the methods and tools I need to achieve my purpose in this life, to serve Hashem with all my being including the point in my heart which is the most intimate part of me, to be a part of the whole and not a blind passive observer. For my wellbeing but most of all for the wellbeing of all around me.

    • #327217

      I’m hoping to have greater control of my life instead of leaving it up to chance.

    • #327131

      Great question! I desire to become more consciously aware of the forces and choices that surround my lifetime, so that I can better see the likely outcomes of my choices, and understand why my desires arise.

    • #327129

      I feel good, I feel happy,  kabbalah is just another gift on my path…

    • #327118

      Hello! i expect to learn more foundation about the kli and the Light.   I desire to achieve knowledge, and a greater connection.

Viewing 6 posts - 937 through 942 (of 2,213 total)
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