Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #326911

      I am seeking a technology that carries new possibilities for my life. I want to more clearly see the reality beyond the matrix of filters that have carried me to where I am today.

    • #326899

      I hope that the course will help me understand better myself, other people, the world.  I reached the point of my life where nothing makes sense.  I feel unsatisfied, angry, misunderstood and many other negative emotions.  I don’t want to live like this.  I want to be happy and in harmony with myself and the world.

    • #326889

      From the introduction the possibility of changing the course of my life through the wisdom of Kabbalah struck home. The question is in what direction is this headed? My immediate response is the desire to be a conduit through which I might be able to make others experience much more pleasure and fulfillment after having experienced it myself.

    • #326879

      I am here to get better understanding

    • #326743

      I’m just open and curious. Very new to Kabbalah so I’m really just dipping my toes in to see what it offers. I like what I’ve learnt so far.

    • #326401

      I don’t really expect anything from the lesson. I am open to whatever it has to show me.

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