Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #297003

      With EVERYTHING feeling unconnected around me and the tremendous stress levels I go through I am really hoping for understanding and the connection of the dots to put myself in a better position of power to do something about it

    • #297001

      I read Mr. Laitman’s materials before. These videos will be a good refresher! 🙂

    • #296846
      Henk Hadders

      I hope this first lesson will touch my heart, and helps activate further future learning

    • #296789

      My desire is to learn how to bestow more purely, according to the teaching of Kabbalah.

    • #296735
      Exequiel Medina

      I expect to learn the basics of Kabbalah in a structured way.

    • #296726

      I expect to know the reality I live in, to be more in control of my destiny and to have a greater ability to correctly decide my life.

      I desire to extend my perception to understand life in such a way that I can change my life for the good and have a better control over the outcome of my life.

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