Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #128007
      Jonathan Lawrence

      I want to understand how to make the life path that I am already on (and we are all already on) as fulfilling as possible for me and the people around me. I seek spiritual maturity and the ability to live from a place of discernment, wisdom, capability, and love.

    • #127860
      Tiago Casellato

      I expect to understand my desires and how to deal with them.

    • #127780

      I desire to enhance my relationship to God and the universe, and to understand why i have come here to earth? To have a better understanding as to what this matrix is all about?

      To live a life of  free will …

    • #127778

      Wanting to find out what it takes to be in touch with a spiritual force. To undersand life

    • #127741
      Jan Koons

      To learn how to change my destiny. To become more spiritual. To feel more love than judgment.

    • #127730
      Etienne Fourie

      to learn and understand my role now to fulfill my desire for oneness

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