Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #287613

      From this particular lesson, I hope to get an understanding of the flow of the course. From the course, I hope I get more tools to understand my life and ultimate purpose.

    • #287596

      I expect some inner guidance. I want to connect more to the spiritual mindset of the universe

    • #287534

      Alignment and help to make more consciousness in the world. Also to understand everything and to take better decisions in my life.

    • #287523

      This whole idea of receiving and bestowing has me deeply fascinated. I have done a lot of study for decades seeking knowledge and transformation. I have made many changes. However, I recognize that for many of those years, I was bound in my intellect though my heart was open. I’ve listened very carefully to various things offered by authentic Kabbalah and am moved at my core. There is a spiritual key here that I’m beginning to see. In this lesson, I expect to see my life transform to a significantly deeper level. Identifying as God Consciousness, the idea of receiving without thought of personal gain, but instead with thought of bestowal is intellect-blowing! I have experienced God’s grace in my life perhaps because I have desired it and sought it. I don’t expect opening to a fullness of grace during lesson 1, though I’m open to it, but I think, more than all my other metaphysical studies through the years, something tells me I’m entering finishing school.

    • #287491



      Hopefully, joy and peace.

    • #287489
      Thomas Hadjeras

      I would like to have a better understanding of what is kabbalah and how I can use the wisdom of kabbalah in my everyday life to have more consciousness and to be able to see the beauty in everything and everyone.

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