Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #51390

      Some thing new about life

    • #51383
      Candace Joy

      I’d like to know the meaning of life & why I am here!

    • #51373

      My expectation is that the first lesson will be largely concerned with essential terminology for subsequent lessons, and probably some “what Kabbalah is not” because most of us have been exposed to the metaphysical marketplace and run into the term repeatedly–if you like the celebrities who have claimed some affiliation, then maybe you’re kindly inclined. If you don’t like those celebrities, you’re likely not. In an earlier version of this class one of the videos on YouTube had Tony reading off a rapid fire list of things that Kabbalah is not. It is not a lot of things, as it turns out. I was amused that “not phrenology” was mentioned 3 different times. (The long abandoned practice of predicting personality traits and fate from feeling the topography of the human head). What I desire from the lesson is to get a deeper sense of what is, and what is not, Kabbalah and the methodology as well as terminology employed.

    • #51371
      Dr Dan

      Following my PhD degree in psychology, i obviously focused too much on the clinical side of human behavior. Now, i hope that i will learn a new concept that is not a part of the teachings in school. I want to see life with different pair of lens so i can maybe integrate what i am learning with my patients in a clinical environment. I feel it may add more to my existing knowledge

    • #51366

      I desire to understand creation and the laws.

    • #51364

      I expect to attain the knowledge and learn the practices that help me access the higher or Spiritual realms

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