Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #51336

      I want to learn more about  myself, and have a better understanding of reality.


    • #51327

      Watching as our world systems collapse I am trying to find hope to help me through it.

    • #51323
      Lexo Janji

      I got many accidents when I was in total control of my destiny, but at that moment I was unaware that I was doing all those incredible things, also I had many severe cases of drawbacks which I thought god or some …. was punishing me.

      Now I realized that both of these kinds of happenings were me doing against or for me.

      I expect to develop the sense which will help me to know what how and when to use to understand how to act and never hate myself for what I already did to me

    • #51320

      Hi, I`m Joe. I hope to get a better understanding of the reason for our existence!

    • #51314

      To connect and contact

    • #51312
      Anisha Brown

      Hi my name is Anisha from the UK.
      I desire to understand the meaning and purpose of a successful life from the perspective of Hashem. Not from my own imagination.

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