Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 1 Discuss Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #54681

      To learn the how to become spiritual and get on the true path to meet the Creator!

    • #54678

      I strongly desire to learn how to develop the “point in the heart.”

    • #54670

      Hello, I want to change my fate.

    • #54624

      I feel as though something in me needs to be unlocked.  I wonder if Kabbalah could be the key?

    • #54586
      Ty Palodichuk

      Kabbalah works If you work it

    • #54564
      Grant Roos

      I was hoping this course would bring me closer and to a deeper understanding of Hashem but based on the video I just watched there is no indication of Hashem and if this is the message Abram then Abraham was speaking to travellers he would not have been selected by Hashem to be the father of nations. It therefore seems to be to me that Kabbalah is created with mans limited wisdom.

      • #54626

        Hi Grant,

        By definition, Kabbalah is the method by which we can correct our egoistic nature and as a result, become similar to and reveal in our lives the Creator, the general force of love and bestowal.

        If something confused you in the videos, feel free to ask it in the questions forum and we can clarify it for you.

        Albert @ KabU

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