Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #406065
      Niina Korpela

      Yes, as beautiful woman ask wise question. Been thinking the same, feeling being inside programming so deep that its printed to my brains. It took to take step to take risk and choose different reality, its alchemist process because pear tree will make always pears as spirit like programming, so change it. Its even deeper than changing spirit, but you need to get so deep inside your mind core or enough deep to make choice. you have numbers 1,2,3… what is 4th number? If that is all what you know and as lucky one to see what is 4th number then you have pattern solved and you start to realize cause and effect. If now thinking biology what I think holding bigger key bridge than what people even realize as even everything has own spirit even example what caused black death or what helps you to keep your immune system working. I mean that when you start to change something then seek wisdom, because what has changed as if you put new fish on lake it might change the balance and are you okay with that effect to cause you made to fix things? SO one thing is to develop to take responsibility even to that carrying patterns what cause just suffering. Once you get what is meaning behind suffering and it hold lesson it is like if that is spirit of bacteria or virus of flu and thats came to you because your immune system found something to be alert so that has same key why we have auto immune decease’s. Cause and effect. Logic and math is there you just need to find what is 4th number and when you realize that its the key to change even number before you hold master key. Yes you can change thing doing thing from deep core programming to make to have different pattern.

      Earth is living soul and we are part of it as living souls in soul point of view in this logic. Soul is vessel right? Earth is vessel carrying us all? We destroy earth we destroy vessel because it has own limits what it can carry, right? If that what I opened above was still easy to get, its more complex when your math pattern has over 8 billion souls what is part of oneness how you fix that problem what is echoing in realities and dimensions. I think things in big scale always been even in child. Pointed to sky and wondered where we came to earth. I carry one huge wish and its happiness and Im from Finland. Huge question is that all is the all is in the all. Its equally true that the all is in the all. So lets say one all in one country and when one like me carrying huge wish to be happy and maybe whole carry would be too, so I could be happy, because I worry so much when people suffer… But there is that paradox of all is in the all… SO I might been just catch that idea from what is all, so I dont really know who started that seed but at least Im carrying it in my heart and thats what you can think as minor free will choice. what you carry in your heart radiates all around and it can be so inner/interconnected that you dont know which one came first chicken or egg? I get that chi is spirit and ken has its own meaning and its the ego what need to crack open to realize the chi inside shells. This goes so deep that it can even eat all light and your soul. What is meaning of this all? How multidimensional it needs to be that it goes outside that programming what you think that you know. And do you really need lost yourself to be found, that need to be lost what is not equal x n pattern, it does not exist. System is not so thing made that it would not be discovered and if it would not be possible then there would not be story about Eden and trees and that pointing what is esoteric teaching of story that its actually your ignorance what dies as knowledge will set you free, but it will bring suffering. It might be bliss to be blind and give your light to other to lead, its how this system works. There would not life as we know it unless there would not be that endless recycle of souls as light. Soul given to god feed the system and makes life, carrying your own light and understanding what it is, is almost like you need to taste what it is like to know. Do you get that, how much this responds with forbidden fruit and how apples is still carrying sacred symbol. Dark Kabbalah… If you dont know yourself then how you would know what is the 4th number. Tried make that so simple as possible. running this and what it includes through your system of in what you are takes more than just read this. I call that transformation as The Kybalion teach as The Alchemy of metal transfer to gold. As good question is there will always be what is hard to understand so easily just realize that there is that x in math what you just dont get yet. If you are fully there is no room to new, simply as that. Maybe even this is when snake eats its own tail or is it fairy-tale. I as much might be wrong with all that math in that what I wrote and remember that its what you hold is equal as true, what you dont doesent and as we hold different insides we have different truths and its not bad if you think its like science what need to have point of views or does only biology explain all not using math, or how you get music without same logic as frequencies like low and high notes can be like mood in your mind what can feel like hell and heaven. If mind is really so powerful that believe in something is what rewrites things then we need sometimes too that  blind faith that we dont know everything. I would not get that all without my spiritual guide what got me to this point. Is it good pattern or is there morally as good or bad maybe just pattern. Is there tree of good and bad if you dont have concept of morally. So if that is the case then Eve and Adam actually lived fully moraly free life before eating the fruit and they realize that it was shame to be naked and how you see god now who ask who told to you that you are naked. If you hold concept of thought and logic what is been teach to you, you wont make nothing else than pear if you are pear tree. You will make those pear even you dont know that you are pear tree if its so then this is moment snake eating its tail. As simple as all beyond to even more simple just psychology, not alchemy or esoteric or metaphysics, or other mysticism. Crack the case open what ever it is what keep repeating, and ask why? Maybe it takes just that question and time. because if something pattern repeats its like twice that 1,2,3 and you get whats the 4 what breaks your head. This at least hurt my head. It was actually surprise to my family and to everyone who knew me what was my mensa test result. Because thing is not always seem as they are. You might have everything and more to get what ever it is to get to open your mind as ego and release what needs to let go. Just find your science to get result what is needed to change what is 4th number.

    • #406041

      Improve my awareness and the quality of my life.

    • #406018

      Quality of life and flow in it.

    • #406015
      Joanna Agnieszka

      I have no specific expectations—just an open mind and heart, ready to receive and understand whatever I am prepared for.

    • #405958

      I expect to learn the truth and I desire to fully understand the theory of Kabbalah, to get a better understanding of what this life has given me and where it is going.

    • #405918
      Olga Kh

      To get the glimpse into the Wisdom 🙂

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