Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 1 Discuss Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

Viewing 6 posts - 247 through 252 (of 1,839 total)
  • Author
    • #365145
      Julie DeHaan

      To tell the truth I have no expectations for the lesson.  I try to keep a blank slate before me so that what can be written is exactly what Creator would have me understand.

    • #365023
      Anne Liu

      我想要改正內在不好的品質 ,能有給予的品質。

    • #364958

      I hope to understand reality better and how it works in terms of human potential, fulfillment and happiness.

    • #364937

      I hope to understand how the spiritual and the material work together.

    • #364931

      I hope to learn the way of living intended for me – for all of us –  by the Creator,  in order to have a heart in tune with His.  I know that may sound lofty,  but I’m convinced there is no other way. It’s scary, buy it’s wonderful.


    • #364856
      Beulah flower

      And understanding of what the Creator expects of me.

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