Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #364445

      I believe that we live in a world of simulation and that there is a spiritual world whose laws control the physical world. I know this world is only a reflection. I want to know or in Kabbalistic terms I want to attain that world. I think that is why we are here.

    • #364082

      i hope to learn how to go from retrieve to bestow.  How to fulfill all of our fulfillment in the light,

    • #364031

      I expect to understand the what destiny is. I desire to learn what it means to change it.

    • #363755

      I want to understand how one changes their intentions from reception to bestowal.

    • #363127

      My wish is to know the ways we have, according to Kabbalah, to enlarge my “vessel” and doing so, receiving more light for others. The more of us there are, the sooner we become one within the nature energy.

    • #363097

      As I currently understand it, the “big picture” is out of my hands, predetermined by the Creator. However, how quickly and easily I connect to the Creator is at least somewhat up to me. I hope learning about Kabbalah will help me – and by extension, everyone else – make this all important connection more quickly and easily.

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