Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #383458

      I want to please god as much as I can. I want to be in unity so I can help other people reach the same states as me. I hope to gain more wisdom and understanding about who I am and how I can do the right thing.

    • #382829
      Stephon Henderson

      I want to connect with the spiritual plane as completely as I can while still occupying the material plane.

    • #382395
      Bent Jensen

      I want to integrate all the scattered Kabbalah information I have acquired until now, and during this course, learn how to integrate it in my body and mind using the “right” intentions.

    • #382262

      Shalom. For 18 years, I studied all the wisdom and knowledge of Kabbalah and learned the Hebrew language. I studied the eight-volume Talmud of the Ten Sefirot by Rabbi Ashlag, and after that I studied in Chabad for a while. I found three certificates of being baruch from your site and took a break from junior classes for a year, but now I plan to continue my activities here again. I am from Iran and my country has many problems. I want to help my people through the knowledge of Kabbalah

    • #382092

      I want to connect myself to the source of real love

    • #382091
      Anupam Sen Gupta

      I want to know the laws of nature and connect with my soul. While on material plane, I seek success and be able to route my success for pubic welfare like welfare centres for sex workers, children on the street and homeless old people. I seek for a fulfilling life so that I dont have to come back to the material world again

Viewing 6 posts - 439 through 444 (of 2,213 total)
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