Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #382046

      I expect to relearn kabbalah once more, its been quite a long time since I learned kabbalah since I was a preteen, now I’m going to relearn it now that I’ve taken the task to do so again from lesson one. I desire as before to learn the mechanisms of kabbalah since I have a very profound love for mechanisms, I love programming, game development, and roleplaying games which requires a lot of problem solving and understanding of mechanisms, in roleplaying and game development mechanics which are the fundamental aspects of games which make games fun to play. So I’m very excited to learn kabbalah again 🙂

    • #381961

      I just want to discover why and what is going to happen in the whole World because what I see is about achieve the balance of the universe.

    • #381958

      I desire to achieve wisdom and peace.

    • #381926
      Vasco B

      J have a strong desire to have the freedom to every single day live in freedom.

    • #381788

      From each lesson I expect a piece of the ladder..

      With that ladder complete, I can then hope to achieve an actual connection with the causal forces of reality and then I can work on enhancing that connection (developing my sense of reality itself – upper and lower)..

    • #381747
      Assana Colubali

      With this course, I expect to gain more knowledge and clarity in my decision-making process in my day-to-day life so that I can better interpret the whole reality picture.

Viewing 6 posts - 445 through 450 (of 2,213 total)
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