Preparation Question: What is freedom and how, by the help of the Reforming Light, can we acquire it?

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  • #37688

    Preparation Question: What is freedom and how, by the help of the Reforming Light, can we acquire it?

Viewing 6 posts - 337 through 342 (of 360 total)
  • Author
    • #62934
      Ali Nadalipour

      Just a decision needed to be really free.and aftar that choice the light works.

    • #62250

      freedom is a spiritual condition, enhanced by the light of the creator, setting us in the rigtht path to bestowal what we receive, and therefore gain equivalence of form with the Creator; However, we need to nurture such condition by joining with other points in the hearts of our brothers and sisters.


    • #59703
      Ed Mereoară

      By practicing kabbalah by surrounding myself by the according environment I can acquire freedom.

    • #59087

      Freedom is the maturity of spirituality we attain, where our outsdie situations cannot affect us anymore. When we know of a truth there is none like unto the creator, there is only the creator, by this knowing, we have freedom.

    • #58441
      Rune T. A.

      I will say that freedom exists on different levels and shapes (like anything else I can think of. Everything seems to exist in levels and degrees that we have to dig through to uncover). The lion on savanah is more free than the lion in a cage, the first one is free to roam, but can´t do anything other than follow it´s natural “progamming”, the latter can´t roam and must still follow it´s programming. Within a society, a common person living in Denmark has more freedom of choice than a common person living in China. Freedom for mankind comes with a price, and the price is responsibillity. The more freedoms you want in a society, the more responsibillities you have to be willing to take. I have discovered that with this Kabbalistic knowledge, I have become even more free (especially in free in my thinking), so we are dependant on our own worldview because we can only act according to our own knowledge/truth of the world we live in, what we think we know and our previous experiences, and what we conclueded from them. If I want to feel content in this world, I have no freedom, I have but one choice, I MUST increase my sense of spirituallity and sense of belonging in this wierd world.

    • #58131
      Bonnie A. Bus

      We learn how to deal with our innerside. The more we know about it, thanks to Kabbalah, the more we’ll realize freedom. At the moment I can’t split responsibility and freedom. I wonder if it always like that…

Viewing 6 posts - 337 through 342 (of 360 total)
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