Reflect and Discuss: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or gave you a new perspective; or discuss the lesson materials with your fellow students.

New Home Forums Course Forums Enter the Zohar: A Journey of Inner Transformation 2. The Hidden Language of the Zohar Reflect and Discuss: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or gave you a new perspective; or discuss the lesson materials with your fellow students.

  • #29749

    Reflect and Discuss: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or gave you a new perspective; or discuss the lesson materials with your fellow students.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 7 total)
  • Author
    • #361590

      The image of the Cause (the intention) impressing the Receiver (the vessel?) really blew my mind. I felt it is a revolutionaty point of view, that I need to let dismantle inside.

    • #311736
      Graphic Unity

      How important it is for one to learn the language of the Zohar. Roots and branches: upper force and lower force.

    • #311398
      Timothy Carpenter

      The language of roots and branches was so eye opening and helps me see the Zohar and Bible in a much clearer light.

    • #294804

      Ja het blijft me steeds opnieuw verbazen  Abraham ,Mozes., David, Jezus, Mohammed. En zoveel andere  profeten.Waar haalden ze de kracht vandaan?  Ik denk dat er schrijvers waren die hun  verhaal noteerden want zelf konden ze niet schrijven.  Waarom horen we nu niet meer  over geïnspireerde mensen. Er moeten naast dk Laitman  toch nog grote Kabbalisten zijn.

    • #294739
      Bonnie A. Bus

      I wonder why the Zohar is so cryptic and why it is not possessed to write it so that everyone could follow and understand

    • #282618

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>El enorme poder del zohar, su ocultamiento a la razón y la capacidad que tiene para transformarnos a nosotros y al mundo, son un reflejo de lo elevado de su origen y propósito, que eventualmente no hay palabras para abarcarlo ni explicarlo. Me estremezco de asombro y admiración ante esta manifestación del creador..</p>

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 7 total)
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