Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28815

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 44 total)
  • Author
    • #421909

      To learn about the vastness of spiritual world, and everything existing within the states of our own desires is just so hard to comprehend!

    • #413419

      It was new to me to hear that all things return to the creator

    • #399176

      It has helped me a lot to let go, trying to do a lot of of good in the material world. Re examine my intentions and boundaries. It is a very intense process….

    • #399027
      Nika Student

      How we influence all of nature by our thoughts  – Do Humans Affect The Way Nature Acts?  left a strong impression.

      Cringe memories of the past aside, the first reaction is to say and do less, be mindful of where my thoughts and emotions drag me. Now I a need to train my mind, body to pause at every action that causes strong emotions – pleasure of pain – to ask for Creator’s help, ask for forces to act, speak and think in a way that brings Him contentment.

      Does love spread when others feel good, engage more and more in the daily actions as students?   Luckily I can turn to my TEN for support and the society at large for inspiration.

    • #394970

      The idea that one can’t feel anything outside of oneself blows my mind. It does explain why sometimes I feel frustrated when my friends don’t get my perspective in the degree I wanted them to. It’s because their attitudes stem from their own perspectives ; they are living in their our own made-up reality.

    • #393862

      It really hit home for me to want to achieve equivalence of form with the creator. I heard that phrase before, but hearing it at this moment in my life really sinks deeper into me.

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