Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28815

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #370199

      The one about the intention. It isn’t possible to have the intention without the connection. This puts everything in a new perspective. Through connecting to others is how the vessel and the similarity are formed.

    • #369620
      Hai Mag

      Beyond Altruism, Mimicking the Creator

      Intriguing questions about the nature of altruism surfaced today. It’s clear that egoistic desires can be limiting, but even seemingly selfless acts can have a hidden yearning for recognition or a rush of good feelings.

      However, the idea I explored today goes beyond that. There’s a possibility of a higher form of altruism, one that isn’t driven by personal pleasure, but by creating an equivalent thinking like the creator.

      Mimicking the Creator (Concept): Here’s where the analogy of a creator comes in. Imagine a source of unconditional love and care. We can emulate such behavior by fulfilling our roles and responsibilities, even those not of our own choosing.

      My experience with my family exemplifies this. Although I sided with my brothers in their disagreements with our parents, a sense of responsibility led me to support my parents anyway. The focus wasn’t on personal satisfaction from giving, but on fulfilling a perceived duty. A Duty that’s natural, as I have not chosen my parents but they are assigned to me. This aligns with the concept of mimicking the creator – acting with care and love, not because of personal choice, but because it’s the inherent responsibility in the grand scheme of things.

      The Essence of True Altruism: This leads to an interesting twist. The pleasure, in this case, wouldn’t come from the act of altruism itself. Instead, the satisfaction would arise from achieving an equivalence of form with the creator’s. In other words, the joy stems from aligning our thinking and actions with the creator’s, not from the act of giving or helping.


      • #375221

        you have a beautiful mind

    • #365465

      I observed my inner being appreciating nature at these levels – inanimate, vegetative, animate, human more than before.

      I feel a sense of delight to realize from the lesson that these levels –  “inanimate”, vegetative and animate are in perfect balance with the forces of creation and they instinctively keep the law of equivalence of form human are struggling with to attain. However, this knowing struck a chord in my mind to think that the aforementioned levels may not be lower than human following that they are already in harmony with the forces of creation as well as  existing in this world before human.

      I would appreciate any input to further clarify the reason for which we as human think we are higher and other levels are lower. Because the only reason I can offer to my deeply enquiring self  now is that “we” humans were taught so by our educational system to think that we are higher.


    • #365041

      As I finished my lesson I behaved in a way quite far from any equivalence of form and the correction came hard and loud within a few hours. The thing is, as I was behaving that way, I KNEW I was not following a correct intention and my ego gave me a million reason why it was still ok. And it hurt, later. It physically hurt how much my body tried to fight against the correction. But I held my thoughts within the desire for unity and bestowal and the pain eventually subsided. Thank you all!

    • #338089

      I can feel that there is something “up there”, higher worlds. But I have not a Kli yet to attain it.

    • #336330

      Looking to nature, the created things and how they work in order to begin to understand the mind behind them of the Creator.

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