Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • This topic has 46 replies, 43 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by Mike.
  • #37705

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #369651

      Like others here, I also enjoyed the new way we’ve been shown to understand the Bible stories. Makes me want to go back and read them again. Also like some others here, I’m hearing echoes of spiritual traditions I’ve followed earlier in this life – especially advaita vedanta. The idea that Reality/the World is not the problem, but that it is simply our misconception of it that is the issue, seems to be a common theme which is key to many genuine spiritual paths. Feeling this connection between paths I’ve studied in the past and this current course on Kabbalah makes me feel like the Creator has indeed been guiding me to exactly this point all along. For me, the questions, “What’s it all for/Why am I here?” are being answered, more and more clearly, little by little, with each passing day. I’m actually beginning to feel the progress Upwards – not just think about it or wish for it. I’m so grateful.

    • #369049

      I need to develop new terms for how I feel and what blew my mind. I started to study kaballah to gain more insight, become more spiritual, gain wisdom etc… now I find myself with more boundaries, more ego and more shame and disgust about myself than I ever had. It’s like a huge light beamed on me showing me only dark sides. Dark sides I was created to be. Kind of hard to swallow yet it feels just so real.

      And it answers so many questions.

      I have looked for since birth. I must have come in already into single concealment although I remember being way more connected as a child, way more aware. Then suffering started yet I didn’t give up, I kept looking and searching and I don’t ever remember blaming the Creator only for the shadows. I blamed it on my inability to understand, to see, to comprehend what was wanted by me and some occasional fights.

      I thought I had it down. Nothing in this life is actually real? Of course not. I even had a comprehension of the root and branches albeit not as simple and sophisticated. I knew pain was a push.

      Yet now I feel I know absolutely nothing. I see only desires. Big, mostly stupid and worthless desires I would do anything to fulfill. And some I do, and when I do I feel even more empty and stupid and worthless as I know that’s NOT what I really want but I can’t help myself.

      I’ve never been a big shopper, never compared myself to many others, the occasional treat, some tech stuff I’d enjoy the upgrade but the intensity of my latest desires is insane! I want to buy anything and everything and for no good reason.

      I understand, from my studies, this is useful to see my distance from the Creator, my make, and my limits, and I do ask for correction non stop and I do delete 99% of carts unless I can buy something FOR someone else to TRY and shift my intent.

      But it’s HARD.

      It’s exhausting.

      And I feel like I’m failing every day, every moment.

      I feel like a small child barely able to walk. Yet I want to run.

      Anyhow, this was quite a rant but I felt like sharing. I love you all and I love even the hardest moments. I can’t wait to learn from the group and see what more my ego has to give! I guess…

    • #364633

      Most valuable to me was realizing the importance of the times of concealment. With each small step upwards to revelation we must go back down just as far to the concealment of the next correction that presents. Like a child in school, as you progress the lessons get harder, but the revelation becomes that much stronger.

      Yes, this is an exciting journey, personally for each of us as we face the corrections that are individual, and then bringing it all together with the connection to each other. I especially look forward to reading what is important to the other students, questions and feelings, as I feel truly connected to each one on this journey, as we mirror each other, together.

    • #364423

      I am starting looking at things from a completely new point of view. The first thing I thought was the tremendous misunderstanding about Female role (I mean about Eve 😊), reading the Bible from a pure Branches language. And it is just a starting point..I feel as if I found a new pair of glasses and I am starting seeing things after having been totally blind w/o knowing it.

    • #360462

      From interview Dr. Michael Laitman and Tim Knox the mentioned “white screen” made me think of the ‘Self’ of Advaita Vedanta and the world of Atzilut.

    • #338368

      The Creator does not change. We have to correct ourselves to view the reality in a different way. All reality has ego to develop. I thought only human being has it.
      Thank you


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