Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • This topic has 46 replies, 43 voices, and was last updated 4 weeks ago by Mike.
  • #37705

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #321818

      As I have been studying Kabala A growing Calling has been growing in me I have come to believe that as we share a connection with the creator well are being called to share that connection with those in the world to bring them into union with us and the creator to change the world. this has led me to carry with me a leather bag with whatever money I can spare as an alms bag. I go into the city every Thursday to a meeting. However, before I go to the meeting I search out those who are Living on the streets and talk with them and when I leave I tell them how unique and special they are and give some money. I know many will think that I am foolish to give money which might even support a drug habit. but if one person buys themself a meal or eventually finds a way out of their trouble it will have been worth it. This urge to give is very powerful. I believe This is in some way linked to my study of the Kabbala. But am I deceiving myself?

      • #323089

        Hi Stephen,

        It depends on your goal in life. If your goal is to reach the revelation of the Creator, this is possibly only when we practice connection and bestowal with other points in the heart in the Kabbalistic group.

        If you practice this anywhere else, in the best case scenario you’ll build some good relationships, in the worst case, people will think you’re weird or try to take advantage of you. But either way it will not lead to the revelation of the Creator.

        So generally, with the rest of the world, it’s best to just act normal, like everyone else. Meaning don’t make a saint of yourself and at the same time don’t cause harm to others or break the law, but just act the way normal people act.

        As for sharing a connection to the Creator with the world, we do indeed do that by disseminating the wisdom of Kabbalah. That is the main way that we can bestow to the world. We’ll learn about that in the more advanced lessons.

        Albert @ KabU

        • #328885
          Jarrett Twaddle

          Thank you Stephen for your post and Albert for your response.
          This is something I’ve thought a lot about and I’m grateful that we’ll be discussing it. I look forward to such topics in the future.
          If I might ask, is it more about how we view others and less about our actions that makes an impact? Could a brief, sincere smile or a nod in passing be act of bestowal?

        • #332105

          Hi Jarrett,

          Bestowal is MUTUAL work with other points in the heart.  We’ll learn how to put it into practice in the more advanced lessons.

          Albert @ KabU

      • #322171

        Blessings to you brother for your efforts.  What a true encouragement to behold!

    • #318479

      It was astonishing to recognize myself hearing about the state of single concealement.

    • #313371
      Lora Vatalaro

      The teachings about concealment caused me to look at things so differently.  It released me from the idea that if the Creator is concealed from me it’s because I’m failing somehow.  Now I understand that it is intentional on the Creator’s part and that I can love that, too.

    • #313011
      William Taylor

      I am not called to set in a room or in front of the computer all day and have my attention on a book or a video although it is necessary to make a certain time to do so but, there must be practical application and living the Torah with the guidance of the Zohar and a teacher within a group of like minded people a community, a living breathing oneness aimed strait at the Creators will to become one with his likeness. to love each other more than ones self. and to perceive a new picture on the inside so we cane perceive his perception on the outside?



    • #310514

      If the Creator enjoys bestowing in a manner in which He is concealed, then I can make it my intention to enjoy receiving in a manner in which the He is concealed.

      • #313370
        Lora Vatalaro

        I LOVE that!  I’m going to follow your example.

    • #310486

      My growing relationship with Creator. I know the Good that does Good and find myself being grateful no matter what is being revealed to me or concealed from me. And, I too, was sitting alone in my room studying when advised to get back into the ring of life where the Spiritual Work and Growth really occurs! But I don’t want to vacuum either! I want to study and Be!! 😍

      So grateful for the teachings and this feeling of the “All Life Others” (for lack of a better way to word it), growing within my heart ❤️


      Xoxo Co-Creators of World Peace Xoxo

      Mitakuye Oyasin ( we are all connected)

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