Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Course Reflections Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

  • #37716

    Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

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    • #127566

      kabbalah revealed has shown me the connection between science and spirit, matter and meaning. the concept of the screen has changed how, or why, i do most everything. being shown kabbalah is being shown your heart. i wish for students to find true beauty and joy in deepening their desire. one of the most powerful parts of the course was addressing our discomfort with desire and our need for immediate fulfillment. and yet we’re built in with an infinite longing for more. to see this as purposeful and a tool for love is a dramatic shift in consciousness, for me at least.

      thank you to all of KabU for this feat of education.

    • #63363

      Given me hope

    • #62997

      Many of the things I thought esoteric are actually exoteric. Ideas about individual attainment through various methods are now on hold pending the upcoming retreat: I truly cannot drive two cars at one time, and appreciate that insight.

      In an example of latency, the last video from Rav Laitman really hit home regarding the recognition of evil vis-à-vis Internet connectivity metacognition.

      “Everything under heaven is in chaos. Conditions are optimal.”  –Mao Tse-Tung

    • #61083

      I have been searching for a long time to know myself and why i am here. this search got deeper and more painful when every where else i tried to find answers failed. But i never stop searching. How i found and came to kabballah is a mistery. I see why now. My life has completly changed.

      What i have learnt about myself?  i am not just myself but a part of the whole.

      What most has inspired me:  the expert teachings of the kabalists, such teachings of truth cannot be found anywhere else! thank you so much for touching my life this way.

      What i wish for my fellow students: i wish my fellow students truely love the creator with all their hearts and thier neighbour as themselves. this is all we are here for.

    • #59885

      What most inspired me in the course?

      I have been on a spiritual search for many years, and even tried to understand Kabbalah.  This is by far the most comprehensible system that I have come across.  And I don’t have to reject science or check my brain at the door!

      What have I learned about myself in the process?

      That by changing my intention, I change my relationship to the Creator!

      What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

      Light and Love!

    • #59868
      Rune T. A.

      Discovering this forum is the best thing that have ever happen to me. Iv’e felt like an outsider most of my life. Felt that there’s no genuine reason for being here other than to discover WHY I am, why everything IS. Iv’e enjoyed the persuit of these questions untill I gave up. Science gave me pieces of the puzzle, as did the bible (mainly the story of Jesus and the message of Love thy Neighbor, it was obvious to me since childhood that this is the way to be/act in the world), phillosophy helped me on the way, the writings of the Dalai Lama and other Buddhists, Zen, native american indians. The all gave me some indication that my feeling of that there is something greater at work here in This World is true. But I was never really proned to dive in all the way and perhaps become an expert in one these “branches of spirituality”. Eventualy I was led to this place and have found what I was looking for (not that I knew what it was). And WHAT A RELIEF!!! Now I truely see that it is possible to BE the change I wished for as good as all my life ( I streyed from the path in my late teens and into the early therties), and how to correctly go about it. Now I know that there are other people sharing my frustrations and pains, and that by working together with them and study the Kabbalah with them, we/I can acctually make a valuable difference in the World. The pains of the billions of people are here for a reason and I’ll be damned if I let this oppertunity for true growth go to waste. I no longer need to use substances to be able to exist in all the madness around me, and I have found a way that not only works to understand and control my own “selfcreated” inner kaos, but it will/is making me a better Humanbeing and giving me joy and vitallity as well. It is incredible and wonderfull!!! Thank you so much Dr. Leitman and everyboddy else who made this available to humanity. Together we will rise!! Much Love from this little dot called Rune!!! I left my “Fathers House”, and by returning I have found and will bestow, revalation and salvation… Thank you, my Father and Creator.

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