Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah in Action Course Reflections Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

  • #41589

    Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

Viewing 6 posts - 295 through 300 (of 302 total)
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    • #59809

      1) What inspired me the most is instructor Julian encouraged his students to join other world groups serving the New Earth. KabU does not teach the students to attain spirituality and then bliss out in cloud nine, but encourage them to participate in their corporeal life, to contribute to the world with their attained unity consciousness; but most inspiring (in my perspective), encourage the students to contribute to the planet with their attained planetary consciousness.

      2) More and more detached to my corporeal roles but at the same time more and more loving and peaceful.

      3) I wish my fellow students to be getting on the most joyous and fast track lane in their spiritual development.

    • #59769

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>I’ve learned that we are all guided by the force of the creator and to withhold my judgement about others and about myself, and to see all things as occurring only by and through his providence. I no longer take things personally, I look for love everywhere and in so doing, I have had some serious shifts in my perspective on, well, everything. I wish for my fellows the same as I do for myself, for us all to find a environment to foster the growth we are all going through.</p>

    • #59727
      Candace Joy

      I learned that our primary intention is not for each other but it is for the Creator – however, we do the work between us and that is where the Creator is Revealed.

      I am inspired & looking forward to joining a group.

      May all my fellow students evolve according to connection, love and knowing the Upper Force to a greater degree.







    • #58971

      What most have inspired me in the course is the concept of the spiritual body that we can construct in a group connecting our common desires based on the same purpose: love and bestowal.

      What I have learned about myself in the process so far are the power of my desires and thoughts and how can I change my reality guided by the right intention: achieve the final correction of the humanity and not only my own correction.

      What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development is to find yourself in a group where is possible to connect the forces of bestowal and reception and work in the middle line to rise above the ego and achieve together the essence of the Malchut of Atzilut: unity.

    • #58889

      I was inspired in this course by the importance placed on how the problems of the world can only be resolved by spirituality. I learned that I need to find a group or groups to stud with. And I wish for all of my fellow students to receive the Light of the Creator and for them to participate in bringing heaven on earth.

    • #58797

      The material in the courses has helped me to understand that the challenging situations that I have had to face in this life have been given to me by the Creator (there is none else beside Him) to help me grow. The material in the courses has not only helped me to know this intellectually, but somehow, I now deeply feel this! As I worked through the material in this course, I felt as though a natural connection with others on the path of Kabbalah developing in me.

      In my own small way, I wish to radiate Love to all other points in the heart.

      This course has made me feel that I would like to go  deeper into the study of Kabbalah.



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