Share something from the lesson that you found insightful, or share your impressions from the exercise.

New Home Forums Course Forums The Spiritual Partnership 6. The Spiritual Relationship Share something from the lesson that you found insightful, or share your impressions from the exercise.

  • #37798

    Tal Mandelbaum

    Share something from the lesson that you found insightful, or share your impressions from the exercise.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 27 total)
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    • #427209

      I find it very new and insightful to know now that my wife and myself are two halves of one soul. I am guessing that this goes back to Adam and Eve, as I have referred to all men making half of Adam Harishon, and women making the other half. I never thought about it on the micro level like this though. It makes perfect sense though. I enjoyed learning about concessions as well, a new perspective on things. My next question would be that if one partner is making all of the concessions, wouldn’t that make it difficult for the other to match the spiritual progression alongside ours?

    • #377370

      I loved this lesson! Have listened to it 3 times. Will probably listen to it again. Making concessions is often not highly regarded in a relationship unless the other person is the one making concessions. And joining with another in divinity to make one soul is a concept that many would not understand. But that is the beauty of Kabbalah – it is practical and those of us studying it can use practical means and language to achieve this even if we are in relationships where the other is not studying it. I think it’s amazing how showing interest in and support for our partners and children influences them to do the same. It is even more amazing how far making concessions and offering forgiveness (love covers all transgressions) goes in joining partners and building a spiritual relationship in a spiritual home, even if it is not spoken of in those terms. What goes around comes around, especially when loving the other is the intention.

    • #367173

      wow this is exactly what i was looking for in my relationship without even knowing it

    • #363566
      Lu Lu

      Setting healthy relationship goals for a brighter and loving future.

    • #325149
      Miguel Luis


    • #307025


Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 27 total)
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