What are you feeling after this lesson?

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  • #42489

    What are you feeling after this lesson?

    Share a few words about your impression with the other students taking this course with you and check out what they’re feeling too. 

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 84 total)
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    • #58536

      interesting,i get a warm feeling inside of me. the tree arrows reasures me that there is hope. i only need to want the change and put in effort,


    • #57356

      Every created thing that exists experiences conation to sustain its existence. This conation for self-continuation is always accompanied by a capacity to perceive that it is all-devouring time which engenders the diminishment of one’s existence in favor of the generation of another being in one’s place. Rudimentary consciousness may be defined as just this: the awareness of the unique conation of one’s existence, together with the perception that time will waste away the entity that one is in order to make way for another one to occupy one’s space. Time, then, is the uniquely subjective force, felt by a given entity, of the displacement of space from the body of one entity to the body of another. The most acute and salient – and thus the most real – modality of consciousness is pain, for pain is the awareness of some degree of fatal harm  to one’s continued existence, or terminal damage to one’s organism. The opposite of pain, of course, is pleasure which is just a consciousness of some degree of benefit in the form of the preservation of one’s selfhood in the body.

    • #57273
      Christian Brauns

      My Body and my inner life are not part of nature and under its control as the world I see around me
      Mainly I do not feel much here. I know what feelings are.
      I just can not find, what I should do here.

    • #57230
      Ty Palodichuk

      I’m ready to take the leap

    • #56839
      Ty Palodichuk

      I’ve connected and lost connection.

    • #56361
      siStar Simone

      What I think, say and do greatly influences what I experience. For example, 3wks ago I was walking to the store as I do often. I have not been eating much as it is very hot.  I was paying attention to how strong and steady I felt. I should add here that I am mobility challenged and use 2 canes to walk. As I was thinking this I twisted my ankle and fell. Although it was 1pm, within moments there were 3 gentleman there to assist me. First lesson was I am not as strong as I was thinking I was. second lesson is I had done this 6 months prior and “worked” thru the sprain and pain, an egoistic notion in this case. My corporeal body isn’t as young as I feel lol. Third lesson, I can’t do this alone. I realize its a corporeal example yet it can be scrutinized from various degrees



Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 84 total)
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