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  • #33865


    Can’t find something? Looking for the “spirituality now” button? Well, that’s in your heart 🙂

    Seriously though, any tech question  – ask here!

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 29 total)
  • Author
    • #286243
      mrc s

      How to solve the error.., thx

      • #286250
        mrc s

        I try to upload an image but seem to have failed: it’s click the image button, upload it and click submit right, thx..

      • #286246
        mrc s

        Can anybody see the uploaded image..?

    • #284581

      Hello 🙂 needed to ask for help, I’m having problems getting the video to appear, I get a “ refused to connect” error message. I’ll include an image of the error so that you can have an easy reference. Thanks hope I can get some help soon.

      • #284648

        Thanks to the person that got the error fixed, thanks a bunch 🙂

    • #283233


      I’ve completed the courses kabbalah revealed part one and two under a different account two years ago, I don’t have access to that account anymore and I don’t want to retake them again.

      Can you, Please, Mark them as completed for me (I swear I’m not trying to cheat :p).

      Thank you.

    • #282416
      Rune T. A.

      Hello Friend.

      I have a technical issue. I would like post something in the “ask anything” section, but that section is not working properly.

      What happens is, I log in, press the “me” button in the top right corner, then I press the “forums” button, then and the “me” button turns into a “log in” button and there’s no field in wich I can write..? If I then press the “tech support” button, the “me” button is back to normal. When I am on the “ask anything” page and scroll all the way down, there is another log in oppertunity wich, when I use it, takes me back to the front page and I am logged in. Basically it takes round in circles (much the same way I do myself in life in general 😉 )

      I resently had to make a new account and you guyes transferred all my progress to this new account. Maybe the two insidents are tied together.

      I hope I have explained the issue properly and that you are able to help.

      Thank you and with Love,



      • #282459

        Hi Rune,

        I’m sending your a reply through email with screenshots that should help.

        thank you for your patience!

        Melody, KabU support team

    • #58688

      Hello. I have completed Kabbalah in Action and the page says “Your Next Step in KabU” but then it’s blank… haa haaa

      I don’t know if that is some kind of secret message (just kidding) but I am unsure what to do next. Please advise.

      thank you!


    • #53288

      Hello how can I access Convention after registration & payment? I have not recieved any information about that.

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 29 total)
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