Based on the lesson so far, what do you think produces the optimal learning environment? If you were to create the perfect mix between collaborative, competitive and individualistic environments, what percentage would you give to each setting?

New Home Forums Course Forums Happiness 6. Better Learning: With Others or Against Others? Based on the lesson so far, what do you think produces the optimal learning environment? If you were to create the perfect mix between collaborative, competitive and individualistic environments, what percentage would you give to each setting?

  • #28502


    Based on the lesson so far, what do you think produces the optimal learning environment? If you were to create the perfect mix between collaborative, competitive and individualistic environments, what percentage would you give to each setting?

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 32 total)
  • Author
    • #402540

      Collaborative – 75%

      Competitive – 20%

      Individualistic –  5%

    • #393076

      vooral samenwerking zal goede resultgaten geven,   het individu levert ook een inspanning

      • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by Christianne.
    • #370961
      Rune T. A.

      Collaborative: 60%

      Competitive: 20%

      Individualistic: 20%

    • #367415

      collabrative enviroment would get 100% of my voted idea to success for any situation where individual ideas are presented and build upon for the good of every ones needs collectively

    • #328747
      Abbaa Naa’ol


      Optimal Learning Environments are based on the belief that every student can achieve high expectations. Instruction is strengths-based, culturally responsive, and personalized to ensure students meet the demands of grade-appropriate standards. Kind, caring, and respectful relationships among adults and students cultivate a sense of belonging and identity, and the social and emotional elements of learning are understood to be integral to academic success and personal well-being. and

      collaborative 85%

      competitive 10%

      individualistic 5 %

    • #321052

      I feel like collaborative environment would support learning in the most optimal way. Right collaboration includes the other two, supports the development of the individual also creates just enough resistance/friction through competition to fuel development for everyone. The emphasis is on the right ratio, but sorry, can’t attach numbers. Is it even possible when everything is constantly in motion and adaptation is what makes a system work optimal?

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