Thought exercise: Let’s help each other imagine the kind of environment we would like to live in. Share your ideas.

New Home Forums Course Forums Crossroads Film Course #5: WHO DO WE CHOOSE TO BE? Thought exercise: Let’s help each other imagine the kind of environment we would like to live in. Share your ideas.

  • #28680


    Thought exercise: Let’s help each other imagine the kind of environment we would like to live in. Share your ideas.

Viewing 6 posts - 7 through 12 (of 16 total)
  • Author
    • #294590
      Luc ANOUBRE

      I would like to live in an environment where everyone cares for the others. An environment where nobody cares for himself because the others are all there for him.

    • #289671

      de omgeving waarin ik,wil leven is liefdevol  voor elke mens rondom mij,  elkaar helpen, begrijpen, steunen, aanvaaren in het anders zijn  zowel wat betrreft huidskleur, religie  sekse  We zijn allemaal mensen en streven allennaar geluk, harmonie. Gezondheid in de eerste plaats.  We kunnennniet zonder de andere; Hebben elkaar nodig om van deze wereld een mooie leefomgving te maken   en gelukkig samn te  leven, zoals God het heeft bedoeld

    • #289255

      A world where everyone has basic needs assured, so there is no more hunger or greed, corruption and theft. Where everyone is educated about life and nature, where we learn from an early age to integrate harmoniously into the life of the planet and to live in balance with others.

    • #288490
      David J

      A perception where all is one similar in form with the Creator loving ourself

    • #281110
      kevin jackson

      the type of environment that I imagine is one where we emulate the structure of how the human body is designed or created, even though there are different parts of the body (the different cultures or races in our society) each part had a specific role (talent) in maintaining the health of the body (our planet), there were parts in the body that were responsible for the building blocks (carpentry, making sure everyone had proper housing), keeping out foreign invaders (military), making sure the body had enough energy to keep it in optimal health (transportation and food), keeping the body powered through breath (electricity), the part responsible for the thought process (education system), you get the picture… Even though the body parts may look different from other parts, every part knew it’s role in the system and helped create an environment for the entire body to continue to survive 💖

    • #222717

      Where we see every individual as the creator! If we do this, no one would treat the creator in a negative manner.

Viewing 6 posts - 7 through 12 (of 16 total)
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