Thought exercise: Let’s help each other imagine the kind of environment we would like to live in. Share your ideas.

New Home Forums Course Forums Crossroads Film Course #5: WHO DO WE CHOOSE TO BE? Thought exercise: Let’s help each other imagine the kind of environment we would like to live in. Share your ideas.

  • #28680


    Thought exercise: Let’s help each other imagine the kind of environment we would like to live in. Share your ideas.

Viewing 4 posts - 13 through 16 (of 16 total)
  • Author
    • #219201

      Global perichoresis is our only hope.

    • #187870

      A house where all the members speak together with a smile, openness, beautiful words, all are energetic and cheerful and help each other and are kind to each other
      The workplace all work together and have healthy relationships and help each other develop work and progress
      Neighborhood and city where everyone cares about urban cleanliness, beauty and mental and physical health of each other and treat each other with smiles and happiness.
      A country where everyone cares about its development and prosperity, and the people at the top of the society help the people at the bottom, so that everyone can have a good life.
      A world where strong countries do not invade other countries, war will end, there will be no murder, bloodshed and aggression, and everyone will live in peace and friendship.

    • #51744

      The environment that want to live is the kind of peace all living in firm of promise of mutual love of our neighbors in order to reveal our Creator. I seen it far away but I am changing in order to bring the real changing the world for the future generations.

    • #41947

      Sharing, loving, efficient and natural existence with man and nature.

      no ego.

Viewing 4 posts - 13 through 16 (of 16 total)
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