What do you feel is our next step at this crossroads? Share the ideas you have now, and later on, compare them to how you feel after going through this course.

New Home Forums Course Forums Crossroads Film Course #1: HUMANITY AT A CROSSROADS What do you feel is our next step at this crossroads? Share the ideas you have now, and later on, compare them to how you feel after going through this course.

  • #28648


    What do you feel is our next step at this crossroads? Share the ideas you have now, and later on, compare them to how you feel after going through this course.

Viewing 3 posts - 7 through 9 (of 9 total)
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    • #184533
      Jan Koons

      well, I think “our” next step should be a connectedness to everything I see in this world. It would be wonderful if the humans I see would stop for a moment every day and either meditate or send love to everyone and thing THEY see in their world. But, we are a world divided – everyone has their own egos to feed. So, for my next step is to continuously look for like minded (heart) to expand the love we have for nature and the Creator and pray others will see the value. Perhaps everyone will see it is the only way to survive.

    • #45175

      I think that the world will be have a better connection when the humanity annul their Ego.

    • #41849

      I feel that the world is connected and that we are collectively moving toward spiritual attainment slowly.

      But what do I know

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