What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

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    • #40727
      Dena Smith

      That I am not strange, or abnormal to want to bestow…that ultimately was the Creator’s design from the start. What the Creator means when He said to come see things from His perspective.  I am now starting to see what He means by that, I am sure it will take a long time to create a new “wineskin” of my mind in order to fully receive His message, but that through this process it will become true for me.

    • #40712
      Romana Suciu

      Everything was New to me and I Found it very interesting. I heared about the tree of life,but i didn’t know the meaning till I saw a presentation on youtube that redirect me here. I would like to know în Israel is IS from Isis, RA fron Ra and EL from Elohim?

    • #40661

      That life in our world is a built system based on the cooperation between the Creator and creature through the will to receive and the will to bestow. More so, is that the Creator’s creatures, through an active cooperation with one another to build Israel in our hearts we will build Israel here on earth.

    • #40597

      The latest; Kabala was the way of life thousand of years ago and Kabala is the solution mankind is searching for; since abandoning the original way of life.  Maybe that’s the hiding meaning of the phrase “To find G_d, men (Humans) must turn to child”

    • #40542

      What I have discovered about Kabbalah that is new to me is that I need to let go of all that I know and all that I believe so that I can connect with the upper force in order to understand the true nature/purpose of life.

    • #40524

      What kabbalah is not

Viewing 6 posts - 307 through 312 (of 344 total)
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