What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

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Viewing 6 posts - 337 through 342 (of 342 total)
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    • #38023
      Danielle Vergonet

      I learned that is is good to be have all of your emotions, no need to shame. Like when I am irritated that I cannot show it, but that holds me back and that doesn’t make me feel alive when I supresse it at least that is how i perceive it that when you have a unformatable situation that is is also just good.

    • #37981

      I discovered that i was given an ego to help me to grow.

    • #37978

      I discovered that I do not need to eliminate my ego but to examine what happens in my life and ask the creator for his guidance. I also learned that it is good to appreciate everything in my life.

    • #37868

      I can see how giving can be selfish and receiving can be selfless depending on intention.


    • #37509
      Jenell Brinson

      Better understanding of cycle of giving. receiving, giving, that the giver receives according to intention. Hw accepting what another gives with appreciation gives them pleasure.

      If the initial action it out of intention to hurt or harm, does this cycle then return the hurt or harm they intended another?

      • #287191

        I heard the expressions: “what you damn, damns you” and “what you bless, blesses you”. To believe, or know, with every fiber of my being that “another” is actually myself, is mind blowing.

        I believe that the initial intention to harm another returns to the giver filtered by the Light in such a way that teaches the receiver what needs correction. The stone I throw might not return to me (it might) but my stomach may hurt for no apparent reason, and I might feel a deep sorrow (just a made up example). Next time I pick up a stone I might feel stomach pain instantly and put the stone down. Next, picking up a stone (to hurt my sister) does not cross my mind. And somehow, next, or next, or next, I pick up and offer my brother/sister, exactly what he/she asked in prayer.

        • #299711

          Thank you, beautifully expressed. I connect.

    • #37470

      that I have to change my outlook, in order to learn

      • #39186

        I have discovered that Kabbalah is not connected to a religion (I thought it was Jewish mysticism) and that life is about intention.

Viewing 6 posts - 337 through 342 (of 342 total)
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