What is the best way to contribute to world peace?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 4. Understanding the World Around You What is the best way to contribute to world peace?

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 82 total)
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    • #43587

      Change ours ways in pursuit of correction of our intention, to a more universal and altruistic one. Let go of egoistic sick way of feeling and living.

    • #43311

      Taking our journey inward so to fill ourselves with light and the light is what will heal all that we touch and come in contact with.

    • #43243

      Change ourselves.

    • #42985
      Tatjana Ristanić

      inner change

    • #42777
      Maria B. W12

      Following the wisdom of Kabbalah to consciously change our inner egoistic qualities on the personal level. Working, developing in growing numbers in groups to raise our intent and altruism to the level of the Creator’s loving Intent, so that the collective impact of the corrected human qualities and intent eliminates misunderstanding and disharmony among humans.

    • #42522

      By changing one’s intention from the will to receive, to the will to bestow.

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 82 total)
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