What is the best way to contribute to world peace?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 4. Understanding the World Around You What is the best way to contribute to world peace?

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    • #128313

      Nourishing my inner quality to love others exactly as I love myself is the best way for me to contribute to world peace.

    • #60929

      We begin with our own inner peace then that quality can be truly reflected

    • #59719

      To be in peace with ourselves and with the people around us. If we look, feel and pray for peace, we will find it for ourselves and for the rest of the world.

    • #57186
      Ed Mereoară

      The only way it is to change our inner quality to ‘love your neighbours like yourself ‘ and peace will be.

    • #56161

      We are a small world so let us start with us (and that is exactly what we are doing her) and by changing ourselves with Books, Teacher and The connection of the Group is a good start!

    • #53225

      First inner change must come before any outer manifestation of peace. It all starts with changing ones own qualities and in turn helping the others realise their desires. Also caring about the others as much or more than ones self.

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