What is the greatest thing I wish to achieve through studying the Wisdom of Kabbalah?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah What is the greatest thing I wish to achieve through studying the Wisdom of Kabbalah?

Viewing 6 posts - 355 through 360 (of 371 total)
  • Author
    • #39596

      I just need to understand the meaning of life. My life.what my life’s purpose is and how i can set about achieving that and finding happiness and fulfillment.

    • #39586

      I wish to be a reflection of the will and purpose of the creator.

    • #39297
      kenneth kimani

      To be one with the Creator and also live in harmony with those around me as well as mend broken relationships

    • #39259
      J Nash

      I want to be able to feel unconditional love at will

    • #39212
      TH Christian

      I would like to learn more about why I’m here on earth, and how to bring peace, love and harmony into my relationships with others.

    • #38937

      open mind and spirituality

Viewing 6 posts - 355 through 360 (of 371 total)
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