What is the importance of our intentions in our daily reality?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 3. Understanding Your Inner Self What is the importance of our intentions in our daily reality?

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    • #384212

      It purifies the mind and develops proper mindset

    • #383452

      Intentions focus our attention and actions, so by examining my intentions I can learn why I do the things I do, and whether I should redirect my energy and actions. Intentions reveal the state of one’s heart.

    • #368978

      Intention is the fuel powering my actions and reactions.

    • #366601

      intention sets the stage for all and every action performed therefore intention is the driver

    • #363096

      If I’m existing only in a corporeal reality my intentions will always be to receive more pleasure than the energy expended to gain that pleasure. As an infant & child my intention to seek pleasure for myself even at the expense of others is pretty obvious but accepted by society. As I age I’m expected to “learn how to play the game” according to social conventions, to dress my egoism in apparent altruism. This looks far more acceptable, but it’s still all about me getting my desires/needs met by others. And unfortunately, even if I’m a pro at this game, I’ll still be feeling empty and unfulfilled since I’m created to be satisfied only when I’m in true bestowal mode. When I  cross into the spiritual worlds I can start to acquire higher levels of intention to bestow as I correct my ego level by level. The goal of creation is that eventually I’m receiving only to bestow pleasure on my Creator. Then I will be trulyhappy, filled with unbounded pleasure … it is permanent and at a level that dwarfs anything I experience in the corporeal.But it seems that we must also go through a maturation process in the spiritual; transforming from bestowal babies to bestowal adults! The net is that my intentions will create/reveal an entirely different reality for me.

    • #337182

      Intention and desire guide our actions. Without intention (or desire) there is no action.

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