What is the real reason for conflict and chaos in the world?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 4. Understanding the World Around You What is the real reason for conflict and chaos in the world?

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 86 total)
  • Author
    • #418043

      The lost connection with the upper light

    • #393700

      What can I write after Verena’s answer without turning into a parrot 😀

    • #387396

      Our total disconnection from the laws of nature leads to more and more pressure in order to make us get to develop the intention to bestow. However, as long as we refuse to actively pursue this process, we will be governed by our egoistic desires which lead to unbalance, hatred and conflicts. In order to change this, we will have to work on changing our inner qualities, we have to learn to reform the intention of our desire; only then we will grow in accordance to the law of nature, and that is the remedy for making all these conflicts unnecessary.

    • #386740
      Seamus Dolan

      Our individual egoism is forcing us en masse along the “path of pain.”

    • #385942
      Alexandra Toma

      Egoistic desire

    • #383902

      Our growing egoism that has left us feeling separated from others and everything around us leads to pain. Pain is there to wake us up to see that the path we’re on isn’t right, that we need to correct the way we’re living.

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